Fine Picture Auction: Is there a Hercule Poirot in You?

Published 26th June 2013

Is there a Hercule Poirot in you? In our fine picture auction that will be held as part of our Summer Fine Art Sale on the 3rd July 2013 there are many pictures by well-known and documented artists.

However, there are also, as in any fine art auction house picture catalogue, a number of attributed to or circle of a certain known artist entries. Some examples from our next auction are:-


 circle of charles hunt (fs19/lot 222)

Circle of Charles Hunt (FS19/222)


 attributed to james holland (fs19/lot 219)

Attributed to James Holland (FS19/219)


 manner of claude vernet (fs19/227)

Manner of Claude Vernet (FS19/227)


 after murillo (fs19/224)

After Murillo (FS19/224)

These are catalogue descriptions for pictures not thought in the auction house’s opinion to be by the hand of the named artist;  but similar to or of the same period, but not by the artist; or a copy by a later unknown hand.

However, do you know better? Has your detective work brought you to a different conclusion? Is there what is known in the trade as a  "sleeper" about!  Buy or ask for a loan catalogue, visit our fine art catalogues online, come to one of our pre-sale viewing days, bring your magnifying glass and do some detective work of your own. "Finds" are made on a weekly basis in London auction rooms; perhaps too in Exeter! Surely not with our level of expertise. Peut etre oui, peut etre non, mes amis!

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